
Deathgasm 2: Goremageddon

Created by Deathgasm II

Sequel to the cult 2015 film Deathgasm.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

9 months ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2024 at 04:21:16 PM


First off, our apologies for the long silence! Getting movies made is always a huge undertaking - logistics, scheduling, creative refinements, etc. etc. But we're happy to say that we will very soon be making an announcement as to when & where DEATHGASM 2 will be going into production! 

In the meantime we wanted to show you some of the storyboards that director Jason Howden has been working on as he preps for the shoot.

Some small town cops learn pepper spray doesn't affectively stop Zombies...
A neighbour gets something stuck in her throat...
Dion's keyboard solo garners him some new fans....

We're also aware we're behind on delivering the pins - sorry about that! But the good news is they are going into production next week!  

We truly appreciate your support and patience as we work to make DEATHGASM 2 the most kick-ass heavy metal, horror/comedy sequel of all time!

Stay tuned for more soon!!

about 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 03:19:15 PM

Hey Gang!

Sure it's Jan 17th, but fuck it, we haven't talked since last year so Happy New Year to you all! Here's our first update of the year for ya:

For those of you who selected the Have Your Name Said or Graffitied, or the Have Your Picture Shown rewards, we have sent out emails to collect those juicy details from you. Please respond as soon as you can as our fearless director, Jason Howden, is hard at work on a new draft of the script and wants to include you in it. If you purchased one of those rewards but didn't get an email, do let us know.

For those of you who follow Hollywood biz, you're probably very aware of the SAG strike that took place last year. Well now that it's over film production is BOOMING in New Zealand, which on one hand is great, but on the other, it makes finding crew for indie films a little more challenging. So that said, it's looking like a realistic timeline for us to go into production is May/June of this year. That's what we're marching towards and will let you all know once this is confirmed. 

In regards to some of the rewards such as the Ice Cream Pins, we selected a delivery date of Jan 2024 for those, but we're a little behind on their manufacturing. So we hope to have those out next month. And regarding the signed photos, it's going to be much easier for us to get those done during production of the film, so their delivery will follow soon after that. We trust that's cool with everyone.

Lastly, for those asking to make changes/modifications or additions to their rewards, our BackerKit page is now live! 

If you have any questions please let us know, and we'll strive to get back to you as soon as possible!

Peace out!

Post Campaign Update #1 - BackerKit & Surveys
over 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 09:39:44 AM

Hey Gang!

Once again we want to thank every single one of you for your incredible support in making Deathgasm 2: Goremageddon a reality! We're currently in the process of determining the best dates for production and hope to have that sorted out in the next couple of weeks. As soon as we know, we'll let you know ;)

Since wrapping up the campaign we decided to set up a BackerKit page to better assist us with our surveys and reward fulfillment. Doing so also means that if any of you want to grab any additional items or Add-Ons post-campaign you can do so there. Most, but not all, of our offerings will be available on BackerKit. 

Since the vast majority of our reward perks won't be available until the film is actually completed we won't be sending out the surveys for some time. These surveys will gather information such as your t-shirt size (if you bought a shirt), how you want to be credited in the film, as well as any updates on your shipping information in case you've moved since backing the campaign. For those of you who backed rewards that will ship sooner, such as the Custom Gibson guitar, we will reach out to you directly via email to confirm shipping info.

For backers who will have their name said or graffitied, or who will have a picture shown in the film, we will also be sending you direct emails very soon to gather that information so that Jason can incorporate it into the film. And for our backers who will be coming to set to get killed on screen, we will be reaching out to you directly via email as well to help you schedule your visit to best work with our production dates. 

Here's the link to our BackerKit page - it should be fully up and running by next week. If you have any questions please shoot us a message here on Kickstarter.

Oh, and our friends at Vault have 20 minutes left on their Deathstalker Comic Book Campaign. If you haven't checked it out yet - do so now - time's a ticking! :)

That's all for now!

over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 12:05:24 PM


We genuinely can't thank all of you enough for your support and for believing in us and this film!! We managed to raise $325,000 USD dollars in 30 days with 2015 backers! Oddly enough, that was the same year the first film came out - make of that what you will...  Anyway, we've just become the third highest-funded horror film on Kickstarter and the highest-crowd-funded New Zealand film ever!

We're going to take a well-deserved mini-break because this campaign was exhausting! But we will be sending out surveys soon to you all to get all your information in regards to how you want to be credited, t-shirt sizes, photos from those of you who will have your faces shown in the film, and all that other pertinent stuff relating to all of your pledges. 

Then next week we will begin the process of making a tentative schedule for production, going out to additional cast, start working on designs for FX builds, finalizing the script, and all that other fun stuff. We of course will keep you abreast of pre-production, production and even post every step of the way. And for those of you who pledged Getting Killed on Set we of course will work with you on scheduling dates in the coming weeks to plan your set visit. 

Again, thank you so very much!! You guys are amazing and we can't wait to bring DEATHGASM 2: GOREMAGEDDON to life for you all!

Talk soon!

over 1 year ago – Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 07:03:29 PM


Seriously, we are so very grateful to all of you who supported us - from $10 to $10,000 - thanks to your generosity & belief in us Deathgasm 2: Goremageddon will now go into production in early 2024!! We truly CANNOT WAIT for you guys to see this film - it's going to be BONKERS!

We still have 2 1/2 days left in the campaign, and every extra dollar we raise will go up on screen, so please keep spreading the good word while you can.


The HAXANSWORD Album held by Rikki Daggers (and coveted by Brodie & Zakk) was purchased tonight for $3500!! Congrats to Conor, the lucky new owner of that one-of-a-kind prop. 

The Dual Dildos that Brodie used to kill his Aunt, and the thick Realistic Cock that Zakk stuffed down Brodie's Uncle's throat are still available! If they are not bought by tomorrow the prices will drop until someone snatches them up.

Also, Brodie's actual Jean Jacket Vest is up for grabs tomorrow (Sunday) at 6pm EST. It's covered with 20 glorious metal patches. Oh, and why don't we need this vest for the sequel you may ask? Cuz Brodie traded it for a bag of weed years ago, of course...


And for those Matt Heafy/Trivium fans, the auction for the custom Matt Heafy Epiphone Les Paul guitar signed by Trivium is on for 24 hours more! The winner gets their choice of either a white guitar signed by the whole band in black ink or a black guitar signed in silver.  BRUTAL AS FUCK!

THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!! We're truly so appreciative of you backing us on this venture!!

Talk soon!