We Have Locked Picture!!
8 days ago
– Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 01:52:46 PM
Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to share the exciting news that we have finally locked picture this week! For those of you who don't know film jargon, that means we now have completed editing the film. From here we move into the completion of Visual FX, sound design, film score finalizing, colour grading, and eventually sound mix.
We're 6 weeks behind our originally planned schedule, but we are still aiming to have the film completed by May 2025, followed by a film festival premiere in Spring/Summer, and a wide release in the fall (and in your dirty hands with all the promised perks before the end of the year).
Thanks again for all your patience and support! Making films is a long, arduous process but we couldn't have done it without you. We can't wait to share DEATHGASM 2: GOREMAGEDDON with you all!
Ice Cream Pins Are Ready & We've Got a First Cut of DEATHGASM 2!
3 months ago
– Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 02:56:33 PM
Hey Gang!
Just wanted to do a quick update to, first off, let you know that our Ice Cream Pins are ready to ship!! Yes, they took longer for us to produce than expected, but we think you're going to love the results! Thanks again for your patience with them.
For those of you who purchased a pin you should have received a survey from BackerKit by now to confirm your mailing address. If you don't see it in your Inbox, please check your Spam folder. Pins will start shipping out next week.
If you didn't buy a pin and are regretting not doing so, you can grab one from BackertKit here.
Our second, and most important, update is that we now have a first Director's cut of DEATHGASM 2 - and it's looking BRUTAL AS FUCK!!! We obviously still have a lot of work ahead of us, but we're still aiming for a March 2025 completion. We'll keep you abreast of our progress over the next few months.
Once again, thank you for your amazing support. We couldn't have done this without you!
Deathgasm 2 Is Now In Post-Production!
5 months ago
– Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 04:22:08 PM
Hey Everyone!
We meant to post this earlier but the end of production was a whirlwind! On Aug 30 we officially wrapped filming on Deathgasm 2: Goremageddon! The final shot of the film was a decapitated head flying through the air in slow motion - a fitting end to our blood-soaked sequel.
Our cast & crew on Day 20
We're now working on an assembly edit of the film and hope to have a solid first cut ready for early November. Our goal is still to have the film ready for a March 2025 World Premiere so we will keep you abreast of our progress.
In other news, the Deathgasm pin is FINALLY in production. For those of you who ordered one, thank you for your patience with this. We're a small team here and obviously making a great sequel was our first priority. I've been told that the pins should be in our hands by end of Oct, so we will ship them out shortly after that.
We also made our first batch of Deathgasm 2 t-shirts for our amazing crew. The graphic print and fabric quality is awesome! So for all of you who ordered one, you will be super happy when you finally get your dirty mitts on it.
That's it for now. More updates next months.
6 months ago
– Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 11:45:35 AM
Hey Gang!
Week 3 of production is almost in the can, and HOLY FUCK we are getting some KILLER footage and performances!! I can honestly say there are going to be some epic scenes in this movie that you guys are going to DIE FOR!!
As a fan of the first film myself it's been such a thrill to see the original cast bringing these characters we all know and love back to life, in surprisingly new ways. Plus the new characters we have in this film are equally fun & memorable.
There's so much we'd like to show you, but we want the film to be a complete surprise for you when you finally do get to see it, so for now these pics will have to suffice.
Brodie with his beloved dog Rattlehead
Dan Cresswell back and as sexy as ever as Giles
Trivium's Matt Heafy, the film's composer, hanging out on set with producer Andrew Hunt and director Jason Lei Howden.
One of our cool custom slates - only 4 are left to buy.
Next week we're shooting the film's big finale - we'll be sure to send you another update then. Again, we can't thank you enough for your patience and your support in helping us bring DEATHGASM II to life!
6 months ago
– Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 02:45:13 PM
Cameras have started to roll on DEATHGASM II: GOREMAGEDDON!! That's right, we are finally in production on the long awaited sequel, and we couldn't have done it without all of you!!
Director Jason Lei Howden on set Day 1
In the last 2 weeks all the cast & crew have come together in the bustling film hub of Regina, Saskatchewan in order to bring your favourite metalheads back from the dead - literally. Milo, James, Dan and Sam are all here in Canada, which is doubling surprisingly well for small town, New Zealand.
The band is back together #Where'sKim?
We will be filming for the next month, wrapping on Aug 30, and have assembled an amazing team of artists & technicians to make Part 2 the goriest, funnest, and most metal sequel imaginable.
Milo back in the saddle again as Brodie
We have an ambitious post-production schedule, aiming to have the film complete for the film festival circuit Spring 2025. If all goes according to plan the film will get its official release late 2025. We will strive to update you once a week for the next month, giving all of you an inside peak on how your pledges have helped bring the film to fruition.